Monday, October 1, 2007

the countdown

The countdown is on, we leave October 16th. We have tons to do and are very excited.

We are especially looking forward to the wildlife of Australia. As the kids say, even the roadkill will be different!

The kids have many questions, about the tooth fairy, Halloween, Santa, things they rely on. We are all exploring this new (to us) thing called 'homeschooling', soon to be 'roadschooling'.

The support of friends and family has been, well, supportive! It helps for the kids to hear people say 'your taking the kids out of school and travelling on the other side of the world for 8 months? That's fantastic!' as I think they sometimes question our judgement.

Thanks to Boppy for picking up our mail and adopting Birdy. Thanks to Grammy for all her encouragement and for putting up with noisy chirping for the next 8 months. Thanks to all of you who didn't look at us like we were nuts, well maybe you did at first, but then you were supportive! Thank you. Thanks to Cindy and Jim who have been our Australia connection via email. Your advice and support has meant so much. Can't wait to see you.

1 comment:

Rob in Hong Kong said...

Wow! What an adventure! it seems like just yesterday we were sitting round the fire looking at shooting stars. I am looking forward to reading about all your exploits'Down Under'mates.
I'll call y'all soon, Uncle Rob