Dozens of sulpher crested cockatoos screeched in the trees, giving us early morning wake up calls. They are wonderful in spite of the noise.
We visited several local wineries, Jim and Kyra are running in the vines of one, and the girls loved playing with and walking the dogs.
Paul and Karrie recently purchased a caravan and this was only their second trip out. The kids set up their tent, they prefer that to a fancy motorhome or caravan.
We had a friend in the tree above us at night, a possum. We thought he was really cute until he decorated the kid's tent with his pee and poo. Ewww.
The wolf spider was in the washroom. If you enlarge the photo you'll see something interesting all over her back.
Mercedes spent most of her playground hours in the spinning green cup, just like the spinning tea cup ride at the fair. I watched a man and his pre-teen son try it out. The man spun it really fast and suddenly his son flew out out of the cup, landing about 3 meters away in a heap on the ground. I quickly remembered the emergency number for Australia (000), but then the boy got up laughing. Whew. I wish I'd had the video camera running for that one. We don't have playground toys like this in Canada.
It was a good time, thanks Jim, Paul, and Karrie. Oh, and Duff and Moe of course. Woof.
Whoa, 'Rinda... Quite the life you're having. Katrina connected me to your blog. Although I've only looked at this first post, I'm already pretty blown away. I anticipate great fun in working my way through them. I'm no arachnophobe, but that spider is seven kinds of messed up. I've heard that they have many many of them on Oz. I'm certain that one day we'll go as well...
Keep well and give my best to that galoot of a husband of yours. I hope to meet your perfect kids one day. If you're curious about the life of Everett, check out my blog at or look me up on facebook.
"streuth, ' careful. Thing's liable to take yer leg clean off..."
er... That was my written Steve Erwin impression.
Hi Tim,
Nice croc hunter impression. It worked better once you said who it was, then I could hear it with the accent.
It's great to hear from you! I always have a general idea as to how you all are through our grape vine Trina.
We've been checking out your blog as well. Interesting, funny, and informative.
I've got another spidey pic coming to ya soon.
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