We got caught up with our New Zealand friends at Buckskin mtn. state park in western Arizona. At the campground were some great climbing trees - you see where this is leading. We had a wonderful evening hanging out. The next morning we got a site next to theirs. Kyra was practicing a leap from the picnic table to a tree branch and on her fourth try she came crashing down at a bad angle. Off to emergency our friend drove us. After a few xrays we found out both arms were broken, the left one very badly. They wanted to fly her to Phoenix Children's hospital but it had started raining heavily - the first rain we've seen in weeks. In the end they drove her there in an ambulance. It was a very uncomfortable 3 hour ride for her as they strapped her to a board with the neck brace just to be on the safe side. Yay morphine.
The children's hospital was great, very caring and helpful even though they were so busy we waited in the hallway for many hours.
Kyra had to have surgery on her left arm the next morning. After 2 nights she was happy to leave the hospital.