We got caught up with our New Zealand friends at Buckskin mtn. state park in western Arizona. At the campground were some great climbing trees - you see where this is leading. We had a wonderful evening hanging out. The next morning we got a site next to theirs. Kyra was practicing a leap from the picnic table to a tree branch and on her fourth try she came crashing down at a bad angle. Off to emergency our friend drove us. After a few xrays we found out both arms were broken, the left one very badly. They wanted to fly her to Phoenix Children's hospital but it had started raining heavily - the first rain we've seen in weeks. In the end they drove her there in an ambulance. It was a very uncomfortable 3 hour ride for her as they strapped her to a board with the neck brace just to be on the safe side. Yay morphine.
The children's hospital was great, very caring and helpful even though they were so busy we waited in the hallway for many hours.
Kyra had to have surgery on her left arm the next morning. After 2 nights she was happy to leave the hospital.
And in one fell swoop your travel insurance pays for itself a hundred fold!!! Well Kyra, all I can suggest is that you never visit New Zealand. Can you imagine after a cut leg and two broken arms with just a family around what you'd get if there was a WHOLE COUNTRY of them:-) I sure hope you're doing fine now and not in too much pain. You're a brave one smiling all the time, I'd be crying river if I broke my arms. Anyway, I'll arm wrestle you when I see you in Audgust. And how cool is it to ride in an ambulance!?
Oh Wow!!! My mouth just dropped haha. Give Kyra a giant hug from me and that Im glad she is such a trooper! I can't wait to see you guys in August! I hope that the rest of your trip is bad-event Free!!
hi kyra.
your dad used to think he could leap like a monkey too.
i remember the day that he fell off the monkey bars at school and broke his arm. but you broke two, so that's one better i guess.
kate and i are thinking about you and hope that you feel better soon. we wish we could be there to sign your cast.
see you when you get back,
uncle fang and kate.
Oh no Kyra..we are glad you are okay. You sure do look happy even though you are wearing two casts! Take care and try to have fun!
Hey guys, I heard about Kyra's arms and had to see what the story was...amazing, I can't believe you are still smiling. I have driven across the US a bunch of times and the Four Corners region is so great, there is just tons to do. In Arizona, I spent a lot of time hiking and camping in the deserts and the canyons. For three days I drove in and out of the Hopi reserve (you aren't allowed to stay there) learning about the all the supernatural Katsinas. I remember driving though Monument Valley too, the scale of everything there is amazing. Keep having lots of fun, if you go north again, visit the incredible ruins at Mesa Verde in Colorado (I almost broke my arm mountain biking in Durango), Arches and Zion parks in Utah. If you are headed west, stay in Las Vegas (I camped behind Circus Circus on the strip), then visit Badwater Basin in Death Valley and Joshua Tree and LA and Yosemite and San Francisco the Redwood Forests and Big Sur. Man, you still have so much to see, I wish I was there. Anyway, take care, I hope that Kyra heals quickly and we hope to see you when the big rig rolls into Vancouver. Your cousins, Jesse and Melissa and little Cole.
We couldn't believe it when we saw Kyra's smiling face and 2 casts! We are so sorry to hear about your mishap. We hope you feel better soon.
You're going to have a couple of crazy tan lines.
Meredith and Wendy
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